Answers about Education

“We want young people from interstate and indeed from right across the world, who are Tasmanian even if they don’t know it yet, to come here and help us change this place for the better, to make it even more Tasmanian.” Under a range of population initiatives, the government plans to audit and release surplus […]

Education in the 1950s?

‘It is about time some of the students leaving the mess were educated and perhaps signed some sort of agreement at the start of year that they will leave the place without mess and bags of their rubbish.’ Local Councillor Majid Mahmood, Cabinet member for the Environment acknowledged there is a problem during June but […]

Answers about Australia Politics and Society

Research has shown that the psychological distress caused by breathing in polluted air can trigger or worsen existing mood disorders. The effects of air pollution on mental health are thought to be mediated through various mechanisms, including inflammation, oxidative stress, and alterations in neurotransmitter systems. ‘His indulgence with money, which the Crown say belonged to […]