Writing also plays a pivotal role in building and improving various skills. It enhances critical thinking as it forces individuals to consider how to make their argument persuasive and convincing. This requires a deep understanding of the topic at hand. Writing also improves cognitive functioning and memory as it involves processing information, organizing thoughts, making connections, and recalling information. The disadvantage of modular learning system is that parents need to take more of the responsibility in helping their children to understand the lessons.

This worries some parents especially those who have limited education as they may not be able to provide proper education to their children. On a news interview in Asia, a father said “It’s okay if my child is still in kinder or elementary but she is now in High School. How can I help her if I only finished grade 4?” Singapore Government always tries to upskill their employees. In order to make it easy, the government allows a certain amount as credit in order to make the learning easy.

If you are a citizen of Singapore, you can apply for SkillsFuture Programme and accelerate your career ahead. School closure and changes in the education system caused significant impacts on families. Many families especially in low-income countries rely on schools not only for education but for food and childcare. Some schools provide free meals for their students which are taken advantage by parents who are in poverty.

Hence, school closure causes hunger to millions of children across the world. In addition, many parents are forced to leave their work as they have to take care of their young children which affects the family’s income. However, many students may not be able to participate in online classes because of the lack of the necessary resources. Only 60% of the global student population have access to a computer and internet connectivity. A situation that causes disadvantages to children in poverty.

Education experiences, social and cultural expectations, and religious beliefs are called Animism. Writing forms an integral part of our day-to-day communication whether it’s through letters, emails, reports, proposals, or text messages. It is a sense of communication that reinforces verbal communication. Whether undertaken for personal, professional, or educational purposes, writing serves as a pivotal platform for expressing ideas, conveying information, and impacting readers.

This report will delve into the significance, processes, and implications of writing in approximately 500 words. Continuing education courses are quite popular globally and in the same way Singapore has also accepted the same. There are a number of training institutes which will give you the right kind of training, keeping the timing flexible. You can seek for a diploma course in your domain or you can shift to a completely different field with a help of a certificate within a short span of time.

Education is an important aspect of a life and of a society. It helps a person have a better chance to compete in the workforce and a society to have better economic growth. Poor access to education leads to poverty which is why governments are working hard to deliver quality education to their constituents. This is also the reason why governments are eager to pursue schools reopening in the midst of a pandemic despite the limited preparations.

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