The court heard Rae convinced investors to part with money by claiming he had secured a ‘major financial investment’ but could not reveal the specifics of it as he had signed a non-disclosure agreement in relation to it. Sweden has approximately 3,218 miles (5,153 kilometers) of coastline along the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia. What reasons make child education important? Apart from gaining book knowledge, what else can be gained through education.
There are several more reasons to bolster the importance of child education and they are as follows: Some lost their entire pensions, one woman who retired not only lost her home but had to return to work and a father was unable to fulfil his promise to pay for his daughter to attend university, meaning her chance at higher education was lost. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to expect a student to have all of these skills when they first enter the classroom; the ability to learn is developed over time.
Because of this, the teacher must not only teach the class material, but also help the student to grasp it. In Freedom To Learn, psychologist Carl Rogers describes the aim of education as the facilitation of learning (120-121 Rogers). In order to facilitate learning, reading programs that work the teacher has two core responsibilities: to evoke and guide the students’ desire to learn, and to provide guidance and resources to help them do so.
In order to provide appropriate feedback to students, teachers must fulfill another role: to either have expert knowledge of the subject of study, or the readiness and eagerness to develop existing knowledge of the subject in a classroom setting. A teacher who does not know her material, or does not care about it, cannot help students engage themselves in the material; nor can she break the information down into less complex parts. In Lee Sculman’s theoretical framework of Pedagogical Content Knowledge, teaching “includes presenting the material by using figurative language and metaphors” (Teacher’s) and thereby representing it in ways more accessible to students.
Furthermore, this representation of material should be in accordance with popular domains of interest to the class, when it is possible to transform the content in such a way without distorting it. Take for example a high school level English classroom. The first few tests given in reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary should be paid particular attention to. If the student has trouble with reading comprehension, or using and appropriate, ‘academic’ style in papers, the teacher should make a mental note of this (or brief notes on paper, if her class is particularly large or her student’s handicaps specific).
Learning about learning has so far been a mind-opening experience. I am studying to become a social sciences teacher, though education is really a social science in itself. Actually, it has such mathematic complexity, scientific precision, and generally eclectic methods that has thus far been an entirely unique major.
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